Recording from your end is a great idea

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Jan 31, 2023·edited Jan 31, 2023

Always record your interactions with journalists, and put the recording device ostentatiously in the middle of the table. Decline any invitations to 'cease recording for a moment' or for and 'off the record question'.

Do not trust these snakes, they get money and XP from damaging you. The more damage the more XP.

Assume every journalist is there to do a hatchet job on you, misquote you and try to make you look stupid, racist, misogynist and the modern day incarnation of Hitler and David Duke's love child.

Advice from my Tory MP.

And especially do not trust the BBC or Sky.

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Today's journalism is beholden to an obvious binary: Hit Piece or Puff Piece.

I look forward to the publication profile of you that glorifies your excellent choice in steak, portable size, and ability to produce eye moisture "beyond measurement."

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Jan 30, 2023·edited Jan 30, 2023

ALWAYS.... record! And always have a back-up recording device! Whether you realise it or not, you're entering the leagues of James Lindsay, Jordan Peterson and Joe Rogan now. I suspect they'll be going after your YouTube comedy jokes (livestreams), including FF's, as they are easy targets to misquote or misinterpret.

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Konstantin, since you surely will “continue to engage with people from all over the political spectrum in good faith”, it is very reassuring to me (81 years old) that you will now “be recording the interviews myself going forward”.

Apparently you have some Jewish ancestry and might be interested in the biblical reference pointing out how few people there are who can actually be trusted to act with integrity.

This, from Genesis 18, is the conclusion of much bargaining by Abraham with G-d, Abraham knowing he’d better get them both to agree on a realistic number and that such a number would be very small:

“And God said, I will not destroy it (Sodom) on account of the ten (righteous men, if that many were found).

The Lord went away when he had finished speaking to Abraham. And Abraham returned to his place.”

People get what they vote for - or are manipulated into wanting. So I gave your book to a dear grandson in need of an antidote, and he read it with the care and respect it deserves. Even took away a bit that I hope will stay with him as he makes his way through life in these unsettling times.

Thank you.

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Jan 30, 2023·edited Jan 30, 2023

ya shoulda gone with your gut about this dude - that said, the Oxford Union piece will shine brightly forever more...blinding shills like him.

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Yes recoding yourself sounds like good insurance. I recall something similar happening to Jordan Peterson and he had a recording which was released after the hit piece making that writer’s tone and misrepresentation seem quite ludicrous.

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Nice response.

I'm surprised you didn't choose to record this interview yourself, but I suspect it reflects your desire to believe in the good faith of others, even when you've been warned their motives may not be so good.

Thanks as always Konstantin - loving seeing you explore and promote free speech in a way that allows others to eat themselves along the way.

The New Statesmen won't recover from this. For me at least, not in my lifetime.

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This person is trying desperately to sound clever in his piece, but if you ignore the snark and spin while reading it, there's not much going on. They were eating STEAK. Okay, and?

The best part is when he claims to listen to Triggernometry before going to bed to help sleep. How much time he must have on his hands to listen to unnecessary hours-long podcasts every week.

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Aha, yes. Useful and honest meta-commentary KK -- your wonderfully immodest humility shines through as ever -- keep it up.

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Like a boss 💪🏻

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Sorry to disagree Konstantin, but you will only have arrived when the awesome powers of A.I are summoned to create a devastating deepfake of you, so you are not there yet -- but it's just a matter of time :)

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